Seminar by Justin Opatkiewicz

Location: Fung Auditorium

Application of Process Control Theory: Controlling Your Heat Exchanger

Justin Opatkiewicz, Ph.D.

Stanford University

Abstract: Under an academic setting, it can be relatively easy to observe an experiment and adjust settings to meet the desired results. However, in industry, processes can become so large or complicated, that automatic control schemes must be introduced. Automatic process control is concerned with maintaining process variables, such as temperatures, pressures, etc. at some desired value. If that desired set point must be changed, the control system must be able to track it quickly. Likewise, if there is some disturbance in the system, the controller must be able to compensate other settings to maintain the desired set point. These concepts must be understood to be successful in an industrial setting. In this lecture, I will introduce some basic control schemes and strategies, as applied to a heat exchanger. If time allows, I will begin to introduce controller design options.   

Biosketch:   Justin Opatkiewicz was born and raised in Chino, CA, approximately 40 miles east of Los Angeles. He double majored in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering at University of California – Berkeley. While enrolled, he created and taught a new course for the department entitled, “Mathematical Techniques in Chemical Engineering.” Following Berkeley, Justin pursued his graduate studies in Chemical Engineering at Stanford University. Under Professor Zhenan Bao, he developed techniques to sort carbon nanotubes for electronic materials. In 2010, he received the Stanford Centennial T.A. Award for the course “Equilibrium Thermodynamics.” After receiving his PhD in 2011, he went on to teach “Chemical Process Modeling, Dynamics, and Control.” Currently, he is serving as research staff in the Bao group, mentoring new students.

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