Seminar by Peter Faguy

Applied research at the US DOE supporting the development of next-generation batteries for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs)

Peter Faguy, Ph.D.

Vehicle Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy United States Department of Energy, Washington, DC

Translational science—R&D moving from the discovery/invention to societally beneficial devices and processes—has become a significantly larger, more manifest component of the Department of Energy’s research portfolio. 'From the lab bench to the plant floor' has become a hallmark of the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, but no more so than for Sustainable Transportation. This talk will provide an overview of the technical aspects of FY2013 programs in electrochemical energy storage supporting President Obama’s EV-Everywhere Challenge. The initiative, which will brings together the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Vehicle Technologies Office, the Office of Science’s Basic Energy Sciences Program, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency — Energy (ARPA-E), exists to make electric vehicles affordable. Central to the initiative’s larger mission is realizing the promise of next-generation Li-ion batteries for plug-in vehicles.  The programmatic overview will be augmented with recent results addressing the critical performance issues with high voltage, high capacity Li-ion batteries.

Dr. Faguy manages the Applied Battery Research Program, a part of the Hybrid Electric Systems Group in the Vehicle Technologies Office in the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. He also serves as a technical expert in the areas of electrochemical energy storage and conversion (batteries, fuel cells, CO2 conversion, and pollution remediation) and advanced materials manufacturing (nanomaterials, composites, reel-to-reel coatings, and technical textiles).  
Dr. Faguy received his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University and began his career as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Louisville; he received tenure in 1996 and in 1999 left full-time academia to help start up a nanomaterials company, MicroCoating Technology. He has also worked for Energy Conversion Devices and several small businesses. He joined the Department of Energy in 2010.  
In industry and in academia, Dr. Faguy has created and managed research and advanced technology programs across several fields including battery materials and manufacturing processes, heterogeneous catalysis and catalytic processes, fuel cell materials and manufacturing processes, analytical instrumentation, and chemical and biosensing sensors.

Seminar Date