Nano News

For having taught thousands of students, written textbooks and conducted seminal research on the mechanical behavior of materials. 

Professor Joseph Wang from U.C. San Diego wins Spiers Memorial Award 2013 for his pioneering contributions to the fields of electroanalytical chemistry and nanobiotechnology.  read more

Darren Lipomi and his group are a recipient of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Program award for engineering the mechanical properties of semiconducting polymers for tough, stretchable solar cells, displays, and skin-like sensors. 

Small is fantastic! In Economist Special Issue on 'The World in 2013'  U. C. San Diego research from Dr.

Detection for the real world demands simplicity, cost-effectiveness, accuracy, durability, and high performance.

Renewable Energy Program Pushes Novel Concepts Forward

Nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego have developed a novel technology that can fabricate, in mere seconds, microscale three-dimensional [3D] structures.Read full article

Marc André Meyers was elected Corresponding Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, in the domain of Engineering Sciences.  In the photo Marc Meyers is being congratulated by Dr. Marco Antonio Raupp,

Microscopically small submarines that can swim through our blood to clear out clogged arteries or destroy malignant tumors. This concept may sound utopian, but it isn’t. Various micro- and nanomachines have in fact already been developed.

Professor Joseph Wang will speak at the 5 p.m. ceremony at Central Michigan University's commencement on May 5th.  He will be receiving a Doctor of Science honorary degree at the ceremony.

The RACI Electrochemistry Division is delighted to announce that the 2012 Breyer Medalist is Professor Joseph Wang. Professor Wang will be presented with the medal and give a lecture at the forthcoming RACI Electrochemistry Division Meeting in Perth

San Diego, Calif., March 28, 2012 – The American Chemical Society has awarded Liangfang Zhang, professor in the Department of NanoEngineering, the ACS Colloid and Surface Division Unilever Award for 2012.  read more

Joseph Wang receives two Honorary Professor Awards from Beijing Science Technology University (BSTU), Beijing and Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing (China), August 2011.  Se