Graduate NANO Courses

For course descriptions not found in the current UC San Diego General Catalog, please contact the department for more information.

Courses in Nanoengineering (NANO)

All students enrolled in NANO courses or admitted to the NANO major are expected to meet prerequisite and performance standards, i.e., students may not enroll in any NANO courses or courses in another department, which are required for the major, prior to having satisfied prerequisite courses with a C– or better. (The program does not consider D or F grades as adequate preparation for subsequent material). All degree courses must be taken for letter grades, and be completed with at least a C- (or retaken and completed with a better grade). Degree elective courses can be selected from NANO or CENG courses (as detailed in the program course requirements), engineering, science, or math courses. Students are required to enroll in the seminar course each quarter. Additional details are given under the program outline, course descriptions, and admission procedures for the Jacobs School of Engineering in this catalog.

Graduate Level

NANO 200: Graduate Seminar in NanoEngineering (1). Each graduate student in the department of NanoEngineering is expected to enroll each quarter, dealing with current topics in NanoEngineering, from the department's NANO/CENG seminars. Topics will vary. S/U grades only. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 201: Foundations of NanoEngineering I: Introduction to NanoEngineering (4). Understanding nanotechnology, broad implications, miniaturization: scaling laws; nanoscale physics; types and properties of nanomaterials; nanomechanical oscillators, nano(bio)electronics, nanoscale heat transfer; fluids at nanoscale; machinery cell; applications of nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology. Cross-listed with CENG 211. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 201 and CENG 211. (If you are a NE undergraduate student, you must take NANO 11 since this is a core course in your curriculum. NANO 11 cannot be replaced with NANO 201/ CENG 211). Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 202: Intermolecular and Surface Forces (4). Development of quantitative understanding of the different intermolecular forces between atoms and molecules and how these forces give rise to interesting phenomena at the nanoscale, such as flocculation, wetting, self-assembly in biological (natural) and synthetic systems. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 202 and CENG 212. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 203: Nanoscale Characterization (4). Examination of nanoscale characterization approaches including imaging, scattering, and spectroscopic techniques and their physical operating mechanisms.  Microscopy (optical and electron: SEM, TEM); scattering & diffraction; spectroscopies (EDX, SIMS, mass spec, Raman, XPS, XAS); scanning probe microscopes (SPM, AFM); particle size analysis. Cross listed with CENG 213. Student may not receive credit for both NANO 203 and CENG 213. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 204: Foundations of NanoEngineering II: Nanoscale Physics & Modeling (4). This course will introduce students to analytical and numerical methods such as statistical mechanisms, molecular simulations, and finite differences and finite element modeling through their application to NanoEngineering problems involving polymer and colloid self-assembly, absorption, phase separation, and diffusion. Cross-listed with CENG 214. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 204 and CENG 214. Prerequisites: NANO 202 or consent of the instructor.

NANO 205: Nanosystems Integration (4). Scaling issues and hierarchical assembly of nanoscale components into higher order structures which retain desired properties at microscale and macroscale levels. Novel ways to combine top-down and bottom-up processes for integration of heterogeneous components into higher order structures. Cross-listed with CENG 215. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 205 and CENG 215. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 206: Nanomanufacturing (4). Fundamental nanomanufacturing science and engineering, top-down nanomanufacturing processes, bottom-up nanomanufacturing processes, integrated top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication processes, 3-dimensional nanomanufacturing, nanomanufacturing systems, nanometrology, nanomanufactured devices for medicine, life sciences, energy, and defense applications.

NANO 212: Computational Modeling of Nanosystems (4). Various modeling techniques like finite elements, finite differences, and simulation techniques like molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo to model fluid flow, mechanical properties, self-assembly at the nanoscale, and protein, RNA and DNA folding. Prerequisites: department approval required.

NANO 227: Structure and Analysis of Solids (4). Key concepts in the atomic structure and bonding of solids such as metals, ceramics, and semiconductors. Symmetry operations, point groups, lattice types, space groups, simple and complex inorganic compounds, structure/property comparisons, structure determination with X-ray diffraction. Ionic, covalent, metallic bonding compared with physical properties. Atomic and molecular orbitals, bands verses bonds, free electron theory. Cross-listed with MATS 227/ MAE 251/ CHEM 222. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: CHEM 222, MAE 251, MATS 227, or NANO 227. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 230: Synchotron Characterization of Nano-Materials (4).  Advanced topics in characterizing nano-materials using synchrotron x-ray sources. Introduction to synchrotron sources, x-ray interaction with matter, spectroscopic determination of electronic properties of nano-magnetic, structural determination using scattering techniques and x-ray imaging techniques. Cross-listed with CENG 230. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 230 and CENG 230. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 241: Organic Nanomaterials (4). This course will provide an introduction to the physics and chemistry of soft matter, followed by a literature-based critical examination of several ubiquitous classes of organic nano materials and their technological applications. Topics include self-assembled monolayers, block copolymers, liquid crystals, photoresists, organic electronic materials, micelles and vesicles, soft lithography, organic colloids, organic nano composites, and applications in biomedicine and food science. Cross-listed with CHEM 241. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 241 and CHEM 241. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 243: Nanomedicine (4).  Introduction to nanomedicine; diffusion and drug dispersion; diffusion in biological systems; drug permeation through biological barriers; drug transport by fluid motion; pharmacokinetics of drug distribution; drug delivery systems; nanomedicine in practice: cancers, cardiovascular diseases, immune diseases, and skin diseases. Cross-listed with CENG 207. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 243 and CENG 207. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate standing.

NANO 244: Nanomachines and Nanorobots (4). The structure and operational principles of different nature biomotors will be discussed. Related bio-inspired efforts aimed at developing artificial nanomotors will also be covered, along with the prospects of using biomotors and synthetic nanomotors in engineering environments. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 245: Nanoelectronics (4). An introduction to the nanoelectronics and nanospintronics; fundamentals of semiconductors; electronic band structure theory, electron transport in semiconductors and nano structures, nano devices. Prerequisites: NANO 201.

NANO 247A: Advanced Biophotonics (4). Basic physics and chemistry of interaction of photons with matter; photonic radiation pressure; advanced optoelectronic detection systems, devices, methods, time-resolved fluorescent, chemiluminescent methods, fluorescent energy transfer techniques, quantum dots, near-field optical techniques, mechanisms of light sensitive biological systems including chloroplasts for photosynthetic energy conversion and basis of vision processes. Cross-listed with BENG 247A/ ECE 247A. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate standing.

NANO 247B: BioElectronics (4). Topics include photolithographic techniques for high-density DNA microarray production, incorporation of CMOS control into electronic DNA microarrays, direct electronic detection technology, bio-fuel cells, highly integrated devices (lab-on-a-chip, in vivo biosensors, etc.) Form heterogeneous materials and components. Cross-listed with BENG 247B/ ECE 247B. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate standing.

NANO 247C: Bionanotechnology (4). Bionanotechnology is defined as science and engineering that involve working with biomolecules on the nanoscale. DNA and protein-based nanostructures or even entire microorganisms are subject of study and development of nanomachines. Another avenue is the nanoscale bio-mimicry in which synthetic systems are engineered to mimic what nature has already achieved. Bionanotechnology finds utility in medicine, materials, and the environment. Cross-listed with BENG 247C/ ECE 247C. Students may receive credit for one of the following: NANO 247C, BENG 247C, ECE 247C. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 251A: Magnetic Materials: Principles and Applications (4). The basis of magnetism: classical and quantum mechanical points of view. Different kinds of magnetic materials. Magnetic phenomena including anisotropy, magnetostriction, domains, and magnetization dynamics. Current frontiers of nano-magnetics research including thin films and particles. Optical, data storage, and biomedical engineering applications of soft and hard magnetic materials. Cross-listed with ECE 221/ MAE 265B/ MATS 251B. Students may receive credit for one of the following: ECE 221, MAE 265B, MATS 251B, NANO 251A. Prerequisites: Department approval required and graduate standing.

NANO 252: Biomaterials & Biomimetics (4). Fundamentals of Materials Science as applied to bioengineering design. Hierarchical structures. Cells and tissues. Natural and synthetic polymeric materials. Biomineralized materials. Biological composites. Cellular materials (foams). Functional biological materials. Biomaterials and implants. Bioinspired design and materials. Cross-listed with CENG 256/ MATS 255. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 252 and CENG 256. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 255: Electrochemistry (4). Application of electrochemical techniques to chemistry research. Basic electrochemical theory and instrumentation: the diffusion equations, controlled potential end current methods. Electrochemical kinetics, Butler-Volmer, Marcus-Hush theories, preparative electrochemistry, analytical electrochemistry, solid and polymer electrolytes, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry. Cross-listed with CHEM 240. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 255 and CHEM 240. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 257: Polymer Science and Engineering (4).  Quantitative basic understanding of different branches of polymer science varying from polymer chemistry, characterization, thermodynamics, rheological properties, smart materials, self-assembly in biopolymers (natural) and synthetic polymers, and applications of polymers ranging from medicine to structure. Cross-listed with MATS 257/BENG 242. Students may receive credit for one of the following: NANO 257, MATS 257, BENG 242. Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Restricted to BE 75, MS 76, CE 75, and NA 75 majors.

NANO 261: Nanoscale Energy Technology (4). This course examines the role nanotechnology will play in addressing the many scientific and engineering challenges for new energy production. Topics include nanotechnology’s role in improving photovoltaics, fuel-cells, batteries, energy transmission and conversion of renewable (green) and nonrenewable sources. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 262: Nanosensors (4). This course illustrates how the ability to tailor the properties of nanomaterials can be used for designing powerful sensing and biosensing devices. Nanosensors based on metal nanoparticles, semi-conductor nanowires and nanocrystals and carbon nanotubes, will be covered. Prerequisites: Department approval required.

NANO 265: Thermodynamics of Solids (4). The thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of solids. Basic concepts, equilibrium properties of alloy systems, thermodynamic information from phase diagrams, surfaces and interfaces, crystalline defects. Cross-listed with MATS 201A/ MAE 271A/ ECE 238A. Students may receive credit for one of the following: NANO 265, MATS 201A, MAE 271A, ECE 238A. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 266: Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Materials and Nanostructures (4).   Application of quantum mechanical modeling methods (both solid state and computational chemistry) in the study of materials and nanostructures; density functional theory (DFT) and approximations; Hartree-Fock and beyond HF approximations; hybrid density functional theory; beyond DFT (GW, TDDFT); ab initio molecular dynamics; materials properties (mechanical, electrochemical, electronic, transport, nano-scale effects on properties) from quantum mechanical simulations; high-throughput computation. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

NANO 268: DNA Nanotechnology (4). Introduction to DNA Nanotechnology. Topics include basic design principles for DNA nano structures and DNA origami, DNA nano motors, computing, and the use of DNA nanotechnology in organizing other materials, nano fabrication, biosensing and drug delivery. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 269: Engineering Solar Cells at the Nanoscale (4). Fundamentals of photovoltaic energy conversion; limiting efficiencies, loss mechanisms. Nanoscale effects in semiconductor, thin film, and organic photovoltaics. Emphasis on emerging nanotechnologies including nano wires, heterostructures, hybrid materials, quantum dots, transparent conducting materials, and plasmonics. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 271: Nanophotonics (4). This course will introduce a background in optics and photonics for nanoscale materials and devices and explore light matter interactions on the nanoscale. Fundamentals of light absorption, emission, lasing, and waveguiding in nanoscale structures, optical resonances in metallic (plasmonic) and semiconductor (excitonic) nano materials. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 272: Soft Electronics (4). General overview of flexible/stretchable electronic devices, with a focus on the enabling nano materials and structures that lead to the tolerance to extreme physical deformations. Relevant nanofabrication techniques and manufacturing approaches will also be included. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 273: Principles of Immune Engineering (4). The course will emphasize the principles underlying the development of engineering tools to quantitatively measure complex information about the immune system that has fueled or inspired strategies for manufacturing immune cells, developing analytical methods for measuring immunity and developing immunotherapies. Cross-listed with CENG 273. Students may not receive credit for both NANO 273 and CENG 273. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 275: Two-Dimensional Materials: Properties, Applications and Practice (4). Overview of graphene and other 2D materials fundamental properties, applications, and experimental practice. Theory covers band structure, Dirac cone, mobility and Fermi level tuning. Applications cover electronics and optoelectronics. Lab sessions include graphene and other 2D materials manipulation and measurement. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 279: Advanced Electrochemical Energy Engineering (4). Electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering for energy applications. Thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical reactions, fundamental principles of batteries, super capacitors, fuel cells, and electrochemical synthesis systems; electrochemical analysis of these systems, engineering design considerations and modeling. Practical device design and fabrication will be covered in greater detail. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 280: Colloids and Nanoparticles (4). This course will cover fundamental concepts and laboratory techniques to study the chemical and physical properties of colloids and nanoparticles. Topics covered include: colloid and surface forces, Brownian motion, aggregation, steric stabilization, optical characterization techniques, and self-assembly. Recent developments in colloids and nanotechnology will be discussed throughout the course. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 281: Data Science in Materials Science (4). Comprehensive introduction into the application of data science to materials science. Introduction to broad array of machine learning techniques (e.g., supervised, unsupervised, etc.) and applications (e.g., regression, dimensionality reduction, classification), with a focus on practical examples in materials science. Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

NANO 282: Professional Development (4). Professional Development, topics include: navigating the virtual library, scientific writing, individual development plan, time and project management, responsible conduct of research, grant writing (NSF fellowships, NIH F grants), plagiarism, prepping a CV (resume, biosketch), networking and communication skills. Prerequisites: Department approval required and graduate standing.

NANO 298: Independent study in NanoEngineering (4). Independent reading or research on a problem as arranged by a faculty member. S/U grades only. Prerequisites: consent of instructor and graduate standing.

NANO 299: Graduate Research in NanoEngineering (1-12) S/U grades only. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and graduate standing.