Transfer Students (CENG)

The Chemical Engineering curriculum plan for transfer students has a 2-year or 3-year option. The 2-year plan can be challenging with heavy workloads in several quarters. Be sure to followthe curriculum when enrolling in classes.

Every course required for the major (except CENG 4 and CENG 199) must be taken for a letter grade, including all CENG and technical elective courses. This also includes all MATH, BILD, CHEM, and PHYS courses. All major requirements must have a grade of C- or higher.

All CENG core courses are taught only once per year and are scheduled to be consistent with the curriculum shown below. CENG courses must be taken in the order they are listed on the curriculum plan in order to ensure all required prerequisites are fulfilled prior to enrollment.

The courses listed here other than CENG are under the control of other departments. They may not be offered in the quarter shown here. Each student is responsible for determining the prerequisites when the courses are to be offered and making a schedule of taking the courses that fit into his or her own graduation plan.

Tentative NANO and CENG course offerings for 2024-2025 can be found here.

Taking additional courses beyond twelve quarters (students entering in fall 2019 or thereafter): A transfer student is allowed to enroll for six quarters to complete all requirements for a bachelor's degree. If a student reaches the six-quarter limit and needs more time beyond six quarters to complete those requirements, they will be required to submit an academic plan and have it approved by their college prior to enrolling for additional quarters to continue work toward the degree (summer session, as well as quarters during which students are approved for part-time status or have withdrawn from all courses, will not count toward the allowable number of quarters).More information can be found in the UC San Diego Catalog.

To view the current and past catalog information, please click here.

All courses are 4-units unless stated below

1CENG 4:This course should be taken in the first Fall Quarter at UC San Diego. Students will not graduate without taking CENG 4.

2CENG 101A & MATH 20E:Students must petition to take CENG 101A concurrently with MATH 20E (Vector Calculus) as most community colleges do not teach Vector Calculus. If you have previously taken MATH 20E, please go to and/or the Math Department for equivalency information.

3General Education (G.E.) Requirements: The 48 units shownare for Warren College students as an example to fulfill the general education requirements. Students in other colleges need to adjust the plan to match their own college requirements. To meet program requirements, students must have up to twenty-four units in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, not including subjectssuch as accounting, industrial management, finance, and personnel administration.

4CENG 15:This course will be offered in the Fall and may be offered in the Winter Quarters.If you cannot register for CENG 15 in the Fall, you may enroll in MAE 8 in Winter or Spring Quarters, if it is being offered.

5Advanced Chemistry Requirements: Three advanced chemistry electives must be selected from among the pre-approved list: CHEM 40A, 40B, 40C,114A (or BIBC 100), 114B (or BIBC 102), 120A, 120B, 130, 131, or 132. (Note: Students may not receive credit for both BIBC 100 and CHEM 114A, or BIBC 102 and CHEM 114B).

Effective for Fall 2022:CHEM 40 series is being phased out. There is a new CHEM 41 series being offered beginning Fall 2022.The CHEM 41 series is a modified and improved version to better accommodatethe needs of chemistry, biochemistry and engineering students.

- If you haven't started eitheradvanced chemistry series (CHEM 40A-C or CHEM 41A-C), then take the new improved CHEM 41 series.
- If you have startedthe CHEM 40 series (CHEM 40A-B), then continue with the current 40 courses through CHEM 40C.

Simply stated, CHEM 40 is going away. If you have already completed 40A or 40B, then finish up the series. If you are starting out - take CHEM 41A-C. Either will fulfill the advanced chemistry requirement.

6Area of Specialization/ Technical Electives: The three required technical electives must be upper-division or graduate courses in engineering, based on the pre-approved courses. Otherwise, the selections must receive prior approval of the department. Pre-approved courses are listed here. If students wish to follow an area of specialization, they must take all 3 electives from the same category. An area of specialization will not be noted on students' degree audits.

7Process Dynamics and Control: If a student chooses the Process Dynamics and Control as the area of specialization, CENG 120 can be replaced by MAE 143B within the approved set of courses for specialization in process control.